* @file Manages web3.eth wrapper
* @author Ivan Violentov <ivan.violentov@jibrel.network>
import Promise from 'bluebird'
import config from '../../config'
import validate from '../../validation'
import checkWeb3 from '../../utils/checkWeb3'
import getAddressFromPrivateKey from '../getAddressFromPrivateKey'
import {
} from '../../utils/logUtils'
import * as txUtils from '../../utils/txUtils'
* @async
* @function call
* @description Wrapper for callETHMethod function (@see callETHMethod)
function call(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(callETHMethod)
* @async
* @function sendTransaction
* @description Wrapper for sendETHTransaction function (@see sendETHTransaction)
function sendTransaction(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(sendETHTransaction)
* @async
* @function filterLogs
* @description Wrapper for filterETHLogs function (@see filterETHLogs)
function filterLogs(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(filterETHLogs)
* @async
* @function getPastLogs
* @description Wrapper for getPastETHLogs function (@see getPastETHLogs)
function getPastLogs(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(getPastETHLogs)
* @async
* @function estimateGas
* @description Wrapper for estimateETHGas function (@see estimateETHGas)
function estimateGas(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(estimateETHGas)
* @async
* @function getNonce
* @description Wrapper for getETHNonce function (@see getETHNonce)
function getNonce(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(getETHNonce)
* @async
* @function getGasPrice
* @param {Object} payload Payload object
* @description Wrapper for getGasPrice function (@see getGasPrice)
function getGasPrice(payload) {
return prepareETHMethod(payload).then(txUtils.getGasPrice)
function prepareETHMethod(payload) {
return Promise
.bind(this, payload)
* @async
* @function callETHMethod
* @description Calls specific web3.eth method with provided arguments
* @param {object} payload - Payload object
* @param {string} payload.method - Method name
* @param {array} payload.args - Method arguments
* @returns Promise that will be resolved with the result of web3.eth method execution
function callETHMethod(payload) {
const { method, args } = payload
return Promise
new Error(`Can not call web3.eth.${method} within ${config.promiseTimeout}ms`)
* @async
* @function sendETHTransaction
* @description Sends transaction
* @param {object} payload - Payload object
* @param {object} payload.props - Method properties
* @param {string} payload.props.privateKey - Private key (64 hex symbols, without '0x' prefix)
* @param {string} payload.props.to - Address of the transaction receiver
* @param {BigNumber} payload.props.value - Transaction value
* @param {BigNumber} [payload.props.gasLimit] - Gas limit for the transaction
* @param {BigNumber} [payload.props.gasPrice] - Gas price for the transaction
* @param {number} [payload.props.nonce] - Nonce for the transaction
* @param {string} [payload.props.data] - Transaction data
* @returns Promise that will be resolved with the hash of the transaction
async function sendETHTransaction(payload) {
const { privateKey, to, value, gasLimit, gasPrice, nonce, data } = payload.props
const address = getAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey)
const rawTx = await txUtils.getRawTx({ gasLimit, gasPrice, nonce, address, data, to, value })
const signedTx = txUtils.signTx(rawTx, privateKey)
return Promise
new Error(`Can not call web3.eth.sendRawTransaction within ${config.promiseTimeout}ms`)
* @function filterETHLogs
* @description Initializes filter object
* @param {object} payload - Payload object
* @param {object} payload.props - API function properties
* @param {object} [payload.props.options] - Filter options (@see filter)
* @returns {object} The event emitter (@see subscribe)
function filterETHLogs(payload) {
return filter(payload.props.options)
* @async
* @function getPastETHLogs
* @description Gets past ETH logs
* @param {object} payload - Payload object
* @param {object} payload.props - API function properties
* @param {object} [payload.props.options] - Event options (@see getLogs)
* @returns Promise that will be resolved with past logs (@see getLogs)
function getPastETHLogs(payload) {
return getLogs(payload.props.options)
* @async
* @function estimateETHGas
* @description Gets estimate gas for the transaction
* @param {object} payload - Payload object
* @param {object} payload.props - Method properties
* @returns Promise that will be resolved with estimate gas value
function estimateETHGas(payload) {
return txUtils.estimateGas(payload.props)
* @async
* @function getETHNonce
* @description Gets thansaction count for sending transactions
* @param {object} payload - Payload object
* @param {object} payload.args - Method args
* @returns Promise that will be resolved with transaction count value
function getETHNonce(payload) {
return txUtils.getTransactionCount(...payload.args)
export default {